There’s a sweet scene in the “Wrinkle In Time” movie where the main character is talking to the magical fairies who move through universes and time – including the past. She asks them if they could go back and change a few things about her that she doesn’t really like. The fairy replies, “Oh dear, do you know how many things had to fall into place to create you?”


I don’t want to dive into science and history and all those things to explain why that is profound. Just know that there has never been or will ever be another you in time; and that is a very big deal.

It is the reason why it’s absolutely absurd to compare our lives to anyone else’s. Each of us is rare and unique. Like 6 billion solar eclipses walking around.

So, do you appreciate the occasion of you?

So much of our lives are spent trying to live up to the standards of society that we forget the beauty that is us, the divine beauty in how we came to be, the poetry of our journeys thus far, and the fullness of the lives we choose to uphold.

We spend our days building ourselves up just to be appreciated by other people. But how often do we take time to appreciate ourselves? Some people will live their whole life and miss themselves.

This is the reason I live everyday in celebration of me, because my life is a special event. I don’t want to waste one moment doing anything that isn’t authentically me, because we only get one chance to be ourselves. It’s a once in eternity event that I don’t want to miss. The fact that nobody will live this life again is a cause for joy, awe, and inspiration.

Begin to see your life as your party; a never-ending celebration of you and ALL that you are.

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Words by Aderonke

“Why didn’t anyone tell me this?” is the constant refrain on the thrill ride into adulthood. I decided my personal trials would be worth it only if I could help someone else’s journey. Welcome to Minutes of a Millennial. This is a collection of the life lessons thus far, an honest reflection, and a safe place to know you’re not alone. I hope you can find some comfort here.

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